1856 British Guiana on display at Smithsonian Museum
Every collector and enthusiast has a ‘dream collectible item’ that can redefine a collection, or change how the art of collecting will be seen. And in the world of philately, one of the more rare and treasured item for collection is the British Guiana (1856), generally considered as one of the most important and expensive piece of stamp in the world right now.
The Wilding Series of stamps is actually a series of stamps that show the photographic portrait of Queen Elizabeth II that were printed and in wide circulation from 1952 to 1971. These stamps were rated for their intricate designs, including the use of graphite lines. Also, these stamps featured the phosphor bands that promoted automation. The Wilding Series is cited for its value and through the inclusion of regional emblems.
In the world of fine arts, the Mona Lisa has managed to charm collectors and enthusiasts looking to understand history and the kind of arts that prevailed in the past, particularly during Renaissance. The mysterious smile, the expert craftsmanship and of course the story surrounding the portrait and the artist all helped in boosting the standing of the artwork, thus making it as one of the priciest works of art around. But did you know that this pricey artwork has its counterpart in the world of philately?
The Penny Blue, a one-penny postage stamp released in 1840 has been frequently mistaken as one of the many postage stamps issued by Britain. The wrong impressions often stem from the fact that the stamp carries an image of a regal lady with a crown. The stamp is actually a part of a collection of proof impressions designed and released when Roland Hill was looking for new inspirations for colors that can be used on stamps, as the replacement for the Twopence Blue and the Penny Black.
The streets of London are always filled with buses, cars and people busy with their daily transactions. The cityscape has changed through the years, with new and modern buildings and vehicles that continue to amaze both the visitors and London residents alike. But beneath the capital’s streets is a 6-mile tunnel that plays host to an almost-forgotten mode of transportation - the London Post Office Railway, or affectionately called the Mail Rail.
Here's something to look forward to if you are passionate about stamps. Did you know that on June 17, 2014, the most popular stamp in the world will be offered in an auction to be hosted by Sotheby's New York? There are other 'rare and pricey' stamps out in the market, but for many hobbyists and enthusiasts who are into philately, the British Guiana One-Cent Magenta is considered the most important single stamp in the world. This stamp has been sold three times on the market, and for the past three tries, this stamp managed to fetch a record price for a single stamp.
The Penny Black holds a special place in philately – as one of the first adhesive postal stamps, it is one of the most prized items available. Due to its popularity, it is worthwhile to understand how to collect this 1d stamp. Here’s a short guide on how to collect this kind of stamp.
At the height of the Siege of Mafeking (1900), considered a decisive British action during the Second Boer War, the government issued special photographically produced 'local' stamps done in blue - the 3d Baden-Powell stamps and the 1d Cadet Sgt-Major Goodyear ‘Bicycle’. A similar procedure was used to creat siege banknotes.