jewish colonies - Stamp Auctions

Lot 29 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 29 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Richon Le Zion - 20pa imptd Turk. pc sent to David Judilovitz in the colony, message in Hebrew written in Jerusalem mailed in JAFFA (PM8) MAR 10 98 vf pmk; vf

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 24 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 24 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

PETAH TIKWAH PER OSTERR. POST (St.705) vf cachet in Violet on 10c Austrian pc entire via JAFFA OESTERR. POST 3 2 09 (St. 525) arrival JERUSALEM OSTERR. Post 4.II.09 (St. 549) all on face, message in German to Erlanger - Hotel Kaminitz; vf

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 19 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 19 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Rarity: Austrian Free Mail in the Jaffa District. From Jaffa to Hadera - cv from Michel Hourwitz Jaffa, oval cachet on front, mailed to Lewik Schneersohn - Colonie Hadera, posted free of charge  in Jaffa 9.IV.11, cancelled JAFFA Osterr. Post (St. 526); cv shortened 1 cm at right, f - vf & Extremely Rare, certif Tsachor

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 35 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 35 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Rare: Rosch Pinah - M. Neiger Pharmacie - imptd envelope mailed Registered SAFED (PM4) full pmk NOV 14 95 in Blue tying 2x1pi Turk. stps to back of cv, RECOMMANDEE (RC1)  boxed regist cachet (1 cv recorded & manscpt 1323) mailed to London arrival 27 NO 95 on back which also shows a wax seal; bottom left small corner fold, f - vf, illust. in Aloni - Hackmey p. 327, certif Tsachor

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 30 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 30 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

29.5.1903 Austrian 5 H imptd pc Wien (15.03) to M. Freymann Rischon le Zion Palestina via Aust. Post JAFFA (St. 525) 5 6 03;vf

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 25 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 25 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

1909 PETAH TIKWAH PER OSTERR. POST (St. 705) vf strike German / Hebrew in Violet, very clear, w/Magen David in center & the word "ZION" in Hebrew added by the sender. Austrian pc entire 10c on 10H pmkd JAFFA OSTERR... POST (St. 526) 9.11.09, message 7.II.09 in the Colony mailed to Luzern; bottom left corner fold not detracting from this vf & beautiful card, certif Tsachor

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 20 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 20 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Merhawia by Haifa 17.9.12 Turk. 20pa imptd pc via Turk. Post CAIFFA2 (PM11) mailed by the Agronom Louis Breisch to Germany, message in German. He was working for the Jewish Colonies (Hulda Estate); f - vf & scarce outgoing

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 36 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 36 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

ROSCH PINNA (PM1) 3 fine strikes in Violet tying correct 50pa franking to Galata 7/1918 arrival on back, censored; fine

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 31 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 31 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Austrian Free Mail in the Jaffa District to Rischon le-Zion - Official stationery of Rabbi A. J. Kuck (in Hebrew & German "Grossrabbi der Isr. Gemeinden Jaffa und Colonien") mailed from Jaffa on 27.03.1906, cancelled by Austrian Post pmk JAFFA OSTERR... POST (St. 526) to the Jewish Colony addressed to Rabbi Yosef Halevi, the Kosher inspector in the "Rischon le-Zion Winery" (written in Hebrew); bottom light corner tear & vert. centerfold, fine, scarce stationery

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies
Lot 26 - jewish colonies  -  Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Lot 26 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

Petah Tiqva - 2 items of philatelic origin each frank 14pa local stp tied by a vf local cachet: a) Ppc of "Saron", cachet St. 705 large David Shield addressed to Washington - U.S.A.; b) Cv (back flap off) cachet St. 706 small Shield w/Zion addr. to Luzern; f - vf (x2)

Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52

jewish colonies