
lot # 10084 - russia post in china - manchuria

Friday Dec 13, 2013 08:00 Europe/Zurich

MANCHULI: 1914 Cover to London franked Romanov 10k on reverse tied by MANCHULI Type 1B 7 10 14 cds, showing 3 types of Military Censor cachets in use at Manchuli, all struck in red, translating Circular MILITARY CENSOR/MANCHULI (Speeckaert Type +), 2-line MILITARY CENSOR/EXAMINED (Speeckaert Type 2), linear OPENED BY MILITARY CENSOR (Speeckaert Type 3), also blue crayon manuscript OPENED BY CENSOR/V.DACH::.., the letter was sent by the Manchuli censor himself, (V.DACHNOVICH), giving his address as c/o Russian Post Office, Harbin", central vertical fold

滿州里:1914年貼羅曼諾夫10戈比票寄倫敦, 銷滿州里1B型7 10 14戳, 另附滿州里3枚軍部紅印, 及圓型滿州里軍部檢查圓印, 兩行線軍部檢查印, 軍部已開檢查印及手寫藍色軍部已開/V.DACH…印, 此封由V.DACHNOVICH寄出, 地址為哈爾濱俄羅斯郵政局。

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David Feldman S.A.

David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More

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