
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #129 on

Dr. Reinhard Fischer

Saturday Jan 12, 2013 10:00 Europe/Berlin

Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #129 on

Highlights of the auction are - German states: most interesting supply with numerous lots, at this among others Bavaria with a "Schwarzer Einser", Saxony with "Sachsendreier" and many numeral obliterations. At this also Hamburg with an excellent and extensive supply of cancels and pre-philately! Wuerttemberg glares with 70 Kr’s! - German empire: with an extensive supply and numerous rarities such as Michel no. 13 in the vertically canceled strip of four (1,000), rare 5 Mark Reichspost in type I (900), the 20 Pfg Germania in c colour (Michel no. 72 c) starts with 850 Euro. A just as rare Michel No. 92 IIb canceled with a starting price of 500 Euro! The issues of the Weimar republic offer with a cancelled Michel no. 401Y in superb condition - approximately only 50 copies known used (2,000 starting price) and a canceled Michel no. 425 X (1,400). - German colonies/P.O.’s: more than 1,000 lots with numerous mint never hinged values, cancel lots and covers! At this among others German east Africa 6 f mnh starting with 950 Euro. The occupation issues of Togo offer some rarities! - I. World War, plebiscite, Danzig, Memel: extensive offer especially of Danzig and Saar! At this "kleiner Innendienst" in mint never hinged condition (1,000 Euro), Saar area with numerous varieties and plate errors! . - World War II fieldpost: rare issues of Sudetenland, French legion with proofs, over-print issues and numerous sought-after standard issues and sets! - German local issues: Dissolving of a well-equipped collection with numerous interesting pieces and on piece sets! - West Zones/Bund/Berlin: strong supply with some hundred lots, at this extensive Kontrollrat issues, AM-Post, furthermore Federation and Berlin with numerous varieties and imperforated values, with some specials such as Berlin 58 X mint never hinged (2,100), souvenir sheet 1 II with special postmark with a starting price of 800 euro. The imperforated Michel no. 860 U of Berlin starts with 650 Euro! - SBZ/DDR: very extensive supply with numerous rarities, types, colours and varieties. At this rare blocks of the SBZ and numerous types of watermarks DDR, as well as official stamps and printer's mark. - Europe: interesting offers e.g. with Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, France, Yugoslavia and Croatia! - Coins: 300 lots with among others ancient coins, medallions, medals and badges. - a great collection supply with over 1,000 lots, at this some extensive country collections of German areas from German states up to German empire incl. areas. Bund/Berlin/DDR show altogether over 200 favorably offered collection lots with interesting collections and lots.

ALLE WELT UND DEUTSCHE MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN UND MEDAILLEN. ALL WORLD and GERMAN COINS - BANKNOTES AND MEDALS. 300 lots with among others ancient coins, medallions, medals and badges.

About The Seller

Dr. R. Fischer

Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More

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