Prices Realized


lot # 6129 - france - colonies

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019 17:00 Europe/London

FRENCH COLONIES IN ASIA a valuable mainly fine mint and used collection displayed in an album, with French Indian Settlements (245) incl. 1892 30c and others to 1f mint, 1903 set of four surcharges mint (small faults), 1923-28 to 5r on 5f mint, 1941 France Libre 15ca on 20c, 1fa.3 on 35c mint, 18ca mint, 1942 (Dec) surcharges on 16ca set mint; Reunion (470, incl. CFA to 1974) incl. a good range of overprints on General Issues, 1892 Tablet 50c mint, 75c and 1f used, 1943 France Libre set mint, Postage Due incl. 1889 20c unused, Parcel Post 1890 10c black frame used, 1907-23 both 10c mint, CFA incl. 500f on 1000f Air used; French Indo China (575, incl. early issues of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) incl. Cochin China 1886-87 surcharges incl. unissued 15 on 30c, Annam and Tonking 1888 to 5 on 10c mint and used, then 1889 5 on 35c in red used, 1892-96 5f mint, 1904-06 set fine used, 1907 to 5f used, 10f mint, 1919 to 2p on 5f mint, 1927 to 1p used, 2p mint, Postage Due 1905 5 on 40c and 30 on 60c mint, 1908 to 5f used, 1919 to 2c on 5f used, 1927 to 1p mint, Official 1933 to 2p used; CHINA (630) incl. 1894-1903 to 5f used, 1900 25 on 1f on a piece used, 1901 Peking 16c on 25c mint, 1902-06 to 5f used, 1907 to 2pi on 5f mint, 1922 to 1pi on 5f mint, Postage Due 1903 overprints incl. 10c carmine signed Brun used, Indo Chinese issues 1902 to 5f mint, Canton 5f mint, 1906 to 5f and 10f mint, 1908 to 10f mint, 1919 to 4pi on 10f used, Chungking 1903-04 to 5f mint1906 to 10f mint, 1908 to 10f mint, 1919 to 4pi on 10f mint, Hoi Hao 1901 to 50c mint, 1903-04 to 50c brown and 1f mint, 1906 to 5f and 10f mint, 1908 to 5f mint, 1919 to 2pi on 5f mint , Kwang Chow 1906 35c and 75c inverted overprints mint, 1908 to 10f mint, Mengtze 1903-06 5f mint, 1906-08 set mint, plus 1f and 2f used, 1908 set mint, 1919 to 4pi on 10f mint, Packhoi 1903-04 to 1f and 5f mint, 1906 to 2f and 10f mint, 1908 to 10f mint, 1919 to 4pi on 10f mint, and Yunnan Fou 1903-04 50c brown and 1f mint, 5f used, 1908 to 10f mint, 1919 to 4pi on 10f mint, etc . A lovely lot. (approx 1920 stamps). HEAVY LOT - OVERSEAS BIDDERS PLEASE ENQUIRE FOR SHIPPING COSTS (Start Price = £3,200.00)