Mail-Auction #34

BEHR Philatelie

Цены реализованные
Mar 09, 2018 Europe/London

BEHR Phiatelie Mail-Auction #34

Friday Mar 09, 2018 00:00 Europe/London

Pascal Behr is proud to present you his Mail-Auction # 34 with a large selection of stamps and covers of Europ, British Empire, Overseas, France, French colonies, from 25€ to 300 000€. Bids can be send from today to the 8th of March, 23:59 GMTTime.

About The Seller

Behr Philatelie

Behr Filatelie from Paris, France a dealer and auctioneer of high quality stamps and postal history. Publishing 2-3 sale lists of France, French Colonies and All World items.

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