ottoman post offices - Stamp Auctions

Lot 15 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Lot 15 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

1900, 1 pia stationery letter card tied by clear full strike of all Arabic 'Jaffa Posta Shubesi', and Germany 21.3.00 arrival cds. Bale #752 . Collins PM9. VF

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Lot 29 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Lot 29 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Ottoman Sinai, 'Asluc 1' on 1 pia Turkish stamp. rare cut-out.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Lot 16 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Lot 16 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

1902 Posta Shubesi Jaffa postmark on Nazareth Souvenir postcard To France - Redirected. Postcard sent from the Ottoman postal branch in Jaffa (The Shubesi branch), during 1902 to France Re-Directed in France; The postcard is an illustrated “Souvenir de Nazareth”, showing panoramic view of Nazareth and the Atelier of Saint Joseph, Franked by 20p Ottoman stamp (Bale #166); Tied by 'Ottoman Jaffa posta shubesi' postmark (Bale #752), And arrival postmark (11 September 1902)Val: 300US$.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Lot 42 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

Lot 42 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

1880's, Ottoman Telegramme Franked With Ottoman Stamp Palestine Jerusalem With Circle stamp Blue Negative Arabic letters.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Lot 17 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Lot 17 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

1902, early photo postcards of Haifa in color, undivided back, bearing 10 para green tied by Bale #790 'Haiffa' (Haifa) photo Le Couvent de Carmel, Other stamp removed prior to potmark.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Lot 44 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

Lot 44 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

1898, Gruss vom Heiligen Lande , photo postcard issued in honor of the Kaiser visit in the Holy Land, view of Jaffa and the sea printed by Syrischen Waisenhanses in Jerusalem. Franked w 20 para Ottoman stp tied by the Railway Jaffa - Jerusalem postmark 'BUR-AMB-Jerusalem-Jaffa 1 1898' Collins & Ste RP1, posted to Erfurt '11.10.98'

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Lot 25 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Lot 25 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

1917 Field post 4 Red Postmark on fragment with pair 1914 20pa and 1917 10pa (Mi 626+234) tied by extremely rare red 'SAHRA POSTASI 4' (Steichele MP4). From the famous Salith M Kuyas collection and was used as illustration in his March 1979 article in 'TURK PULCULUGU' which states "a very important new discovery from the Palestine front during the first world war." 2013 Nakri certificate.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices

Lot 27 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Jerusalem Telegraph Center, nice full strike on Telegram receipt of Bale 995 'TELEGRAPHES IMP. OTTOMANES' violet bilingual (cv $450) and on reverse bold full strike of the rare telegraph clocks cachet, dated October 22 Jerusalem telegram receipt.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Lot 14 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices -  Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

Lot 14 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

1900 Souvenir de Nazareth Postcard mailed to Paris with single franking 1892 issue 10pa tied by bilingual 'NAZARETH Fev.900' PM and all Arabic black negative seal rare 'TELEGRAF VE POSTAHANE-1 NASRA 1301', Bale 717+779, Steichele T1+PM4. Bale value $1500. With 2013 Nakri certificate.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Philatelic Auction #30

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices

Lot 46 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices - Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

1899-1916, Lot Of 21 Pages With Turkish Postal History In Palestine During Ottoman Empire Occupation, Including Cutouts Stamps, Postcards, Covers, Documents, With Different Cities Postmark Cancellations Including: Jerusalem2,5,6, Alep, Naplous, Nasra, Rosch-Pina, Safed, Tiberiade.

Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #32

holyland forerunners ottoman post offices