Prices Realized

Status International

lot # 2887 - World POLAND - 1938-46 OCCUP & MILITARY

Thursday Dec 05, 2024 09:30 Australia/Sydney

1939-45 WWII Internee & POW Mail inc registered use of 12pf Postcard (2), from Poland to Portugal, Hungary to Poland (2), Rumania to Poland (2), Portugal-Poland, & Hungary to Germany. POW mail inc printed Postcards, Lettersheets etc (15) with range of cds & censor h/s. Also some later inc 1946 Polish PO Danzig 3+12z on postcard with view at left, & Exiled Govt covers (2) ea franked 4 diff registered & censored. Interesting lot. (39 covers/cards, some stamps).
Estimate A$600


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