
Collectio (Alexandre Galinos)

lot # 2212 - bulgaria (occupying turkey) bulgaria - postal history - occupations (turkey - balkan wars)

Sunday May 04, 2014 04:00 Europe/Athens

1913, Military: МАКЕДОНО-ОДРИНСКО ОПЪЛЧЕНИЕ БИТОЛСКА ДРУЖИНА (MAKEDONO-ODRINSKO OPILTCHENIE - BITOLSKA DRUZINA =Macedodian - Adrianopolitan Volunteer Corps, Bataillon of Monastir -Bitola) violet, on free of charge cover sent from Eastern Thrace to a Greek in СОЛУНЪ-SOLOUN 14.III.913 via СОФИЯ-SOPHIA 12.III.913. Consisted mainly by Bulgarians from Macedonia (11.470), Bulgaria (2.512) and Thrace (1215), this corps included 531 volunteers from other nationalities: 275 Armenians, 82 Russians, 68 Romanians, 40 Serbians, 21 "Austro-Hungarians", 12 Montenegrins, 3 Greeks, an Albanian, an Englishman, an Italian, and a Persian), ex Cronin collection, RRR & VF