world war II - Stamp Auctions
Lot 265 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114OHMS COVER, addressed to Sofia, Bulgaria, 1941, with violet handstamp "RETRUN TO SENDER/NO SERVICE". File hole. Photo. Estimated Value $100 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 257 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114IMMIGRATION (ALIYAH) CERTIFICATE) in English and Hebrew from Palestine Government , Dec. 1934 for Teme Grinberg (nee Brande) of Poland and her son Alfred, arriving March 1935. British handstamp stating bearer has registered as an immigrant. Also British Passport control Warsaw handstamp. Folded, some staining. Photo. Estimated Value $200 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 259 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114HA ARAVARA LIMITED, formed by the Haavara Agreement between Germany and Palestine enabling Jews fleeing persecutioon to transfer some portion of their assets to Palestine to help pay for their move, document sent to Else Lowenthal (see above lot) in Tel Aviv concerning the transfer of funds, datee Sept. 1939. Exhibition item. Photo. Estimated Value $500 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 271 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114WWII ON ACTIVE DUTY COVERS, 3, Airmail, units in Palestine; one registered to England,two to the U.S. Interesting. Photo. Estimated Value $125 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 266 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114CIVILIAN INTERNEE MAIL, from Red Cross, 1942 to Palestine, Camp #1, red handstamps, cesnsored, unusual. Photo. Estimated Value $150 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 260 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #1141941 COVER FROM NAHALAL PALESTINE, addressed to Jewish Refugee in Switzerland, and forwarded to him in "ARBEITSLAGER GONDOLA/TESSIN", (Labor Camp), Tamins transit cancel. Unusual. Photo. Estimated Value $150 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 263 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #1141942 HANDBILL, Small 4"x6", announcing a gathering devotred to the Ruined European Jewry, published by the Zionist Revisionist Organization, Jeruslaem, stating "The European Jewry is sinking in a sea of blood, which cries help! Let the cry emerge out of Zion to the whole world: "RESCUE THE REMAINS OF ISRAEL". Photo. Estimatted Value $150 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 251 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114GERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC RACIAL TEACHING POSTER, "JEWISH SECRET BOOK" (Judisches Geheimgesetzbuch), showing drawing of "The Talmud", and quote "Hear what the Talmud speaks". Designed by Alfred Vogel, a school headmaster and Nazi Party member, to instruct students on the superiority of the Aryan race, and the burden of having Jews. Printed is Stutgart, 1938, 11-1/2"x15-1/2". Clean. Photo,( BECAUSE OF SIZE SCANNED IN TWO PARTS!). Estimated Value $500 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 272 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114POW LETTERSHEET, from ITALIAN SOLDIER in "Campo 321/Palestine" addressed to Milan, 1943. Photo. Estimated Value $100 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |
Lot 267 - world war II - House of Zion Public Auction #114PALESTINE POLITICAL PRISONER COVERS, (2), addressed to Jeruslaem 1942, mixed condition, Estimated Value $150 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war II |