world war i - Stamp Auctions
Lot 34 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #1141916 Large JERUSALEM original Wall Poster, listing Jewish recruits to be enlisted into Turkish (Ottoman) army, during WWI. Very historical document, over 100 years old, poor condition, stains and tape repairs. Museum Quality. Photo. Estmated Value $500 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 29 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114NEWSPAPER WRAPPER, "The Palestine News", July 1918, green, addressed to Manta (Egypt?), with 1/2p stamp tied by SZ cnacel. Back handstamp "UNCLAIMED/NON RECLAME", (handwritten Unknown). Photo. Estimated Value $225. House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 22 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114REGISTERED MILITARY ENVELOPE, 2p, March 1917, from FPO M1, addressed to Alexandria, transit marking on back of cover BAPO Z, and Alexandria. Censored. Photo. Estimated Value $125 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 25 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114AUGUST 1918 COVER, addressed to MALTA, franked with 2x5m correct rate, tie by 2x SZ32 (Jaffa) cancels, censored clean. Unusual destination. Photo. Estimated Value $300 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 30 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114OHMS COVER, Feb. 1919, addressed to England, with SZ10 cancel, stampless, with purple box handstamp "The P:alestine News/SUBSCRIPTION DEPT.", clean. Unusual. Photo. Estimated Value $225 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 23 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114REGISTERED PICTURE POSTCARD of "CASA NOVA" entrance, sent from APO SZ44. Jerusalem to Port Said, APRIL 28, 1918, via Army Post Office to civilian! Franked with 5m+1pi correct rate. Most Unusual! Photo. Estimated Value $750 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 27 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114NEWSPAPER, "THE PALESTINE NEWS" June 27, 1918, #17, the WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF THE EGYPTIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE OF THE BRITISH ARMY IN OCCUPIED TERRITORY"!. Franked and cancelled 1/2 Penny stamp. Rough condtion but extremely scarce. Photo. Estimated Value $500 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 31 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114GERMAN FIELD POST, 663. July 1918, addresed to Kattowitz, with red TURKISH service seal of the Nazareth Tele;hone Exchnage, aging, but still scarce. Photo. Estimated Value $500 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 24 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114JUNE 1918 REGISTERED (Cover Front only) addressed to America, Registered SZ44, 2x 1pia stampstied to cvover, censor handstamp and strip. Some light stains. Photo. Estimated Value $250 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |
Lot 32 - world war i - House of Zion Public Auction #114OTTOMAN TELEGRAPH FORM, to Beirut, with Turkish censor seal, file holes and some stains, from the Holy Land. Photo. Estimated Value $200 House of Zion Public Auction #114world war i |