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|**|Yvert 470/75. 1977. Paintings. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 530/35. 1980. Niokolo-Koba park. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert B15/16. 1978. Football games Argentina. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 470/75. 1977. Paintings. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set, of mini sheets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 424/29. 1976. Basse Casamance park. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 530/35. 1980. Niokolo-Koba park. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert B15/16. 1978. Football games Argentina. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert A142/43. 1973. Human rights. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set, of mini sheets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert B10. 1972. Olympic Games Munich. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert A134/39. 1974. Birds. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set, of mini sheets. TO EXAM.