1920/39, group with more than 100 covers and cards as well as postal stationery cards with many interesting postages paid, including the large part Schleswig and Upper Silesia, Marienwerder and Saar area, including Upper Silesia R-foreign cover from Lubom to Vienna with foreign currency sealing label of the post office Dresden, mixed frankings with issues of the German Reich, etc., slightly different condition varies.
occupations in world war i. and related areas Plesbicites Areas |
1922, small mostly mint never hinged/unused variety on album leaves (leaves), specialising in issues from July to November 1922 (Mi.-Nr. 103-111), with colour variations, plate flaws and varieties, including multiples, mostly in very good condition, ex Nagel
occupations in world war i. and related areas danzig |
1920/39 (ca.), comprehensive mint never hinged/unused and used collection, incl. forerunners (from 1850), official stamps, postage due stamps and Port Gdansk, with better values, plate flaws, perforation and downward varieties, emphasis with the multiples and complete souvenir sheets, souvenir sheets with HAHN, including Mi.No. 28II used (sign. Infla-Berlin), 99 used (x2, sign. Infla-Berlin), etc., stamp part with on pieces, many clear cancellations, some forgeries; almost throughout in very good condition, partly signed and one certificate, ex Nagel
occupations in world war i. and related areas danzig |
1920/37 (approx.), mostly unused and used collection in two albums, incl. official stamps and postage due stamps, with better values and types, postmark part from 1920, including Mi.-Nr. 28II, 32, 33, 160 used (each signed Kniep BPP), P39PFI unused (signed Kniep BPP), from 1923 partly mint never hinged and unused, many signed Infla-Berlin, mostly good condition, ex Nagel
occupations in world war i. and related areas danzig |
1919/35(approx.), interesting group of 71 letters and cards, including value and cash on delivery letters, express, airmail, some better postage paid, etc., condition varies
occupations in world war i. and related areas Memel |
1920/1957 collection Saar, Memel and Danzig used and * with better items (Saar) on album pages in folder
occupations in world war i. and related areas Plesbicites Areas |
1923/39, meist gestempelter Bestand Gedenkblätter, Souvenir Folder und einigen wenigen Einzelmarken, dabei u.a. komplette Geschenkmappe zur DAPOSTA 1927 mit Block 1 und 2, uvm., meist gute Erhaltung
occupations in world war i. and related areas danzig |
1920/1939, ungebrauchte/postfrische Sammlung auf Leuchtturm-Vordruck, dabei Großer Innendienst 60 Pfg. und 2 Mark ungebraucht je mit Fotoattest Gruber BPP "einwandfrei", eine ebenso vorhandene 1 Mark blieb unbewertet, nachfolgende Ausgaben, etwas Dienst, Porto und Port Gdansk.
occupations in world war i. and related areas danzig |
1920/39, meist ungebrauchte/postfrische und oft zusätzlich gestempelte Sammlung mit besseren und kpl. Ausgaben, Farben, Aufdruck-Typen, Abarten und weiteren Besonderheiten, dabei u.a. Mi.-Nr. 79 auf Briefstück (u.a. sign. Petersen BPP), 170 PF V postfrisch (sign.) und Mi.-Nr. 234-37I ungebraucht (u.a. sign. Petersen BPP)
occupations in world war i. and related areas Memel |
1830/1939, in den Hauptnummern fast kpl. gestempelte Sammlung mit Doubletten und einigen Briefen, sauber auf selbst gestalteten Albenblättern, dabei auch Portomarken und Port Gdansk, viele klaren Stempelabschlägen und bessere Werte, dabei u.a. Vorläufer Mi.-Nr. 110 (sign. Infla) sowie Mi.-Nr. 28II (sign. Dietrich), usw.; meist gute Erhaltung, bessere teils signiert Infla oder BPP
occupations in world war i. and related areas danzig |