Nigeria: 1921-32 Watermark Mult. Script CA, specialised mainly mint study on leaves and stockbook, with range of printings and shades, incl. over 80 individual plate numbers from 7 to 26 incl. die I reversion, comprising seven values to 10s. overprinted “SPECIMEN” all in scarce horizontal pairs, 1/2d. (20), 1d. (45, incl. scarce plate 22 pair), 11/2d. (7), 2d. grey (17, incl. die II plate no. 17 blocks of four (2), pair and single), 2d. chestnut (4), 2d. chocolate (18), 21/2d. (5), 3d. violet (16), 3d. blue (23), 4d. (53, incl. interpanneau block of 32), 6d. (6), 1s. (22), 2s.6d. (11, incl. plate nos. 11 and 17 blocks of four and two plate no. 23 die I reversion singles), 5s. plate nos. 11, 16 (2) and 23 die I reversion (2) singles, 10s. plate nos. 11 and 23 die I reversion singles, mostly fine mint. (273) [Proposed price: £1000-1200]
King George V Key Plates nigeria - regular issues |