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Military cover canceled "ΧΙΟΣ 21.VIII.62" with "ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΟΝ ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟΝ*ΑΡΜΑΤΑΓΩΓΟΝ ΣΑΜΟΣ"
Military cover cancelled "TeP 503 29-2-18" to Bordeaux/France
Military cover with "ΔΕΚΑΤΟΝ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑ ΠΕΖΙΚΟΥ" cachet, arrival "ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 5 ΦΕΒ.1913"
PC of Thessaloniki cancelled "TeP 508 6-4-16" to France
PC of Thessaloniki with "MARINE FRANCAISE*SERVICE A LA MER" military cachet, written 1918
Military cover cancelled "POSTES MILITAIRES BELGIQUE 9.XI.15", arrival "PARTHENAY 9.11.15"
PC of Thessaloniki with "Mre DES TROUPES COLONIALES P.A.D. THEODORE" military cachet, written 1916
Military cancellation "U.C P.M.402 9.12.40" (Albania) with censorship cachet and "T" indication, arrival "COSSATO 14.12.40"
PC of Monastir with "ARMEE D'ORIENT S.R.S.103" military cachet, written 1918
Free of charge cover cancelled with "P.M 28 14.5.41" (Albania) and taxed upon arrival with 50c.