Lot 354 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114SAMUEL, HERBERT, Viscount, on his London stationery, 1943, thank you note. Samuel was High Commissioner of Palestine. Signed "Samuel" Folded. Clean. Photo. Estmated Value $250 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 355 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114SZOLD, HENRIETTA, founder of Hadassah, signature on 1928 letter to the YEMENITE TALMUD TORAH, asking them to supply information regarding their school, teachers, students etc. Light traces of paper clip. (Reverse side has draft letter of reply in Hebrew by the pricipal.) Photo. Estimated Value $300 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 351 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114JABOTINSKY, V., full signature in Hebrew October 1918, on full handwritten one page letter stationery of ZIONIST COMMISSION to PALESTINE, Tel Aviv/Jaffa, text in Hebrew re: to Dr. Thon..we should wait a few days… if there will be mobilization in Eretz, we hope that you will deliver also the Jews from Baghdad. Two filing holes on left margin, taped over. Vertical fold. Scarce, historical document. Photo. Estimated Value $750 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 356 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114ZOLA, EMIL, handwritten letter signed by him, around 1900. Zola was famous novelist who helps free Jewish officer, Alfred Dreyfus, from court martial. Folded, but scarce. Photo. Estimated Value $250 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 352 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114KATZNELSON, B. (Berl), full signature in Hebrew, 1939 pinted letter to Dr. Zlocisti--Haifa, on Davar daily billing ststionery (he was editor). Regarding articles by Sirkin. Folded. Photo. Estimated Value $250 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 353 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114NORDAU, DR MAX,, handwritten note dated Paris Oct. 1, 1904, signature in English, condolence letter, translation included. Photo. Estimated Value $300 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 348 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114BIALIK, C.N., signed letter on Hebrew Language Committee Stationery, to David Yellin, recommending who can best promote Hebrew Language on records for Radio!. Photo. Estimated Value $250 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 350 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114JABOTNSKY, V, full signature in English, hand written one page letter inviting HENRIETTA SZOLD to meet him at the hotel (Marina Palace Hotel), folded but good condition, unusual in English. Photo. Estimated Value $750 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 347 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114BALFOUR, LORD ARHUR, 1891 Mourning Cover addressed by him and signed, on stationery of "Lord of the Treasury", with full wax seal on back & arrival cancel. Some faults but still good. Photo. Estimated Value $250 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |
Lot 349 - AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS - House of Zion Public Auction #114MONTIFIORE, SIR MOSES, handwritten letter in Hebrew, and signed in Hebrew by him. Scarce. Folded and tape repairs but still hard to find. Photo. Estimated Value $600 House of Zion Public Auction #114AUTOGRAPHS ON DOCUMENTS |