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Cover fr. with 2x1pi/10kr Austrian Levant stamps canc. "CONSTANTINOPEL III OESTERREICHISCHE POST*27/10/96", arr. "NEW YORK*8.NOV.96".
10c Austrian P.O. in Crete stationary post card canc. "b CONSTANTINOPEL III OSTERR. POST*20.XII.12" to Swiss.
1867/1883 Franz Josef definitives (coarse + fine impressions), complete set of 7+6 values, used. 2sld fine impression in mint copy, all the rest used. (Mi. 1I/7IA+1II/6II).
Cover fr. with 15sld. canc. "METELINE*24/7", arr. "TRIEST*30/7".
8pa/2kr 1892 surcharges on Austrian stamps paerf. 9 1/4 in bl.4. Lower pair u/m. (Mi. 20B).
1865 entire letter "Ρόδος 1 Αυγούστου 1865" canc. "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO*RODI", arr. "ΣΥΡΟΣ*7 ΑΥΓ. 1865" (type III). 20 lepta to be paid.
20pa/5kr Austrian Levant stamp canc. oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO/CESME".
Cover fr. with 5x8pa/2kr Austrian Levant stamps canc. "CONSTANTINOPEL II*5/10/93", arr. "HALLE*9.10.98".
Cover fr. with 3x20pa+10pa Austrian Levant stamps canc. ""d SALONICH I OSTERR. POST*11.VIII.10"" to Nurberg.
20pa/5kr. Austrian PS posted from ""JERUSALEM GERUSALEMME*??/10 88""","arr. ""NEW YORK*OCT 23"".